Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Here I am, joining the ranks of the internet savvy and headline-hungry in cyberspace, and I am not sure what it means. Alright, I'll be honest, I know exactly what it means. It means that I now have an electronic outlet for my self-important rhetoric and nonsense that nobody in their right mind would be interested in viewing, and in all likelihood, no one will ever view. I wouldn't want it any other way. I am happy to hop on the blog bandwagon, because if you're not on the intertron or internets, or whatever you choose to call it, you are simply unimportant. So yes, here I am, with a URL and even a super cool colorful background, and I am ready to be important. I may not break any stories, or even provide you with links to anything of decent content, but I will remain a reliable source of BS, and a beacon for simplicity.


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