sitting on your ass makes you fat
No, I'm not just being mean to sedentary individuals, I'm actually citing the research conducted by Duke University's Medical Center. These people came up with the astounding conclusion that moderate exercise reduces bellyfat and can prevent weight gain.

I have a problem with this "study." Was there ever any doubt that sitting on your butt all day would make you larger and the recipient of pet names like "big daddy" or "big dog"? I admit, I have used my blog as a tool to sound the obesity bell that seems to be constantly ringing in the heads of Americans these days. I did this because I think that it's a legitimate problem. But now I think it has gotten out of hand. Anything with the word "fat" or "obese" is all of the sudden big news. I don't see the point in funding studies to state the obvious, which are most likely aimed only at making headlines. As I imagine these people sitting around in white coats discussing their hypothesis for this groundbreaking study, I want to backhand their Stargate-watching faces. No, even worse, I want to backhand the people at Reuters who thought that this study was newsworthy! Money and resources should be allocated toward programs that make exercise attractive for individuals, and not toward studies that could have been conducted by an observation of my uncle's den (he sits a lot and is sometimes called big dog). So I will set the record straight, being sedentary makes you fat and unhealthy, try to find ways to integrate exercise and healthy nutrition into your daily life and you will be healthier. There, I didn't need a labcoat to come up with that one. So let's stop talking about how bad it is to be a big daddy, and let's start doing something to help makes the big dog clothing line a little less profitable.
Being obese means being American. You obviously hate America.
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