A kick from a large can
If you want to learn about Bush's Supreme Court nominee, I suggest that you check out the Loosh Spot's breakdown. If you want to hear about the energy drink that changed my life, I recommend that you read on brother, read on....

I can safely say that Fuze's Diet Mega Energy Drink has made me a better and more effective person. In fact, this beverage is so life altering that us Fuzers (we started a cult, and Fuzers is our name) are beginning to question how the product was not designated as a narcotic by the FDA. This ready-to-drink stimulant will answer most of your prayers...Feeling that 3 o'clock lull in the office? Slam 16 ounces of calorie-free cranberry deliciousness down your throat and you'll be walking on air before you can say "I'll be a monkey's uncle." Did your girlfriend dump you via email and then block you from her buddy list? No worries, down a diet Fuze and you'll have your heart beating so fast that you'll forget how much it really aches. Sorry devout mormons, Fuze has caffeine, loads of it, and taurine too. Though I have no clue what taurine is, or what its effects are on the nervous system, if it's in Fuze it's sure to hit the spot! Think you're extreme? Well you'll be able to prove it when you proudly display the psychadellic oversized can that holds the power of greatness inside. When it comes to taste and effectiveness, diet Red Bull, Rockstar, and Monster have nothing on the Fuze's Mega Energy drink. The fact that you can legally experience these heightening effects, while watching the 'cals at the same time, is mindblowing. The drink will have you aching to headbutt your boss and doing windsprints in the hallways in no time. This product is not for the faint of heart, in fact, neither is this blog, so if you're reading this and you're afraid of trying the Fuze, close this window and never return. But if you're the kind of person that wants a kick in the ass delivered in tall boy can form, pick up a diet Fuze and you'll understand what us Fuzers live for.
I can't wait to try a Diet Mega Energy Drink after reading your post. I'd like to introduce you, however, to an alcoholic equivalent of this scrumptious beverage known as Sparks. Fans (who call ourselves SparksFiends) swear by it for a quick and tasty buzz, and we'd be proud to have you join our ranks.
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