NIH Employee Makes Anthrax Threat

A Maryland woman was arrested Monday for making an anthrax threat to a Florida tax assessor after she lost a tax relief claim. During the threat, the brilliant woman identified herself as a NIH (National Institute of Health) employee and said "You guys now have anthrax spores once again, so do be careful."
I take serious issue with this woman's behavior not only because it wasted thousands of dollars in government money to pay for a hazardous materials team to search the Florida assessor's office for anthrax, but also because the tone of the threat is all wrong. What kind of psychopath hopes that their victims will be careful? Her phone call should have ended with a "muhahah" or a cackle of some sort, not well-wishing. Further, how could she honestly think that she would get away with this? Word to the wise, don't identify yourself and your employer before making threats. The fact that she didn't think of the repercussions of her threat is a testament to the intelligent and dedicated individuals we employ in the Federal government. I wouldn't be surprised if next week someone at the Department of Agriculture threatened a bill collector with mad cow disease.
(pictured: Anthrax the band, who are entirely un-related to this story, but continue to rock)
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