Monday, August 08, 2005

Jurors Plan to Profit on Pedophilia

Two jurors from the Michael Jackson child molestation case will appear on television tonight to discuss how they regret their decision to let the totally pervy pop star moonwalk out of the Santa Barbara courthouse a free man. This 79 year old woman (pictured left, laughing her way to the bank) said that her fellow jurors "ought to be ashamed. They're the ones that let a pedophile go."

As obvious from the photograph this grandma is insane and must suffer from dementia. Umm excuse me oldie olson, but weren't you one of the people who should be ashamed? You let the guy go too, and now you're planning on profiting from it. And we all know that you're not going to write a word of the book on your own, you'll have a ghostwriter do it, most likely R.L Stine (that guy who wrote those horrible Goosebumps books) and it will definitely suck, because you and the other imbecile who is going to be on TV are self-promoting dregs, plus R.L. Stine's ending, where MJ ends up being a ghoul, is totally inappropriate. It's too late for regrets, you and the ten other idiots blew it and let this pervert free so stop showing up on TV and go back to the hole you came from.


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