Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Korean man dies nerdy death

A South Korean man identified only as Lee died today after playing fifty straight hours of video games. The 28 year old man died of exhaustion most likely a result of his bender at an internet cafe in Taegu. A man of true dedication, Lee recently quit his job so that he could devote more of his time to play online battle-simulation games. Let this be a lesson to those of you who think it's safe to camp out at an internet cafe for fifty hours and play video games...because it's obviously not.. I refuse to let Lee die in vain, and will now restrict my Snood benders to thirty hours. For those of you unfamiliar with Snood, consider yourself lucky.


At 12:53 PM, Blogger Will said...

I take issue with the last sentence of your comment. I believe I have about 3 loyal readers, which could hardly be considered "no one." Plus, my circulation is expanding faster than Britney Spears' gut...Hiyoooo


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