Is it Time to Cash in On 9-11?

It's been almost four years since the terrorist attacks on New York and Virginia, but are we ready to see the events dramatized on the big screen? Oliver Stone seems to think so as he prepares for the filming of a 9-11 movie starring Nicholas Cage. The film will follow the lives of two of the last men rescued from the rubble at Ground Zero, and if successful, could start a trend in Hollywood.
Although Columbia Pictures has already pledged to donate "some" of the profits of the movie to 9-11 charities, I think the our wounds are too fresh for the Hollywood-ization of the harrowing events. It seems to me that the etiquette for tackling issues like this is about a decade. For instance, films about Vietnam didn't hit the theaters until the late 80s and even then it was a touchy subject. The thought of profiting on the story rubs me the wrong way...but maybe I'm just a softy. Perhaps the movie will galvanize the public and motivate young people to search the hills of Pakistan for Osama and kick some Al Qaeda butt. Either way, Nicholas Cage is one of the most overrated actors in Hollywood. Aside from his performance in Adaptation, he sucks. I don't mean to offend you Con Air fans out there, but the guy is annoying and I would rather see Jeanne Claude Van Damme play a 9-11 cop than Nicholas Cage.
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