Hey America, stop being so fat

It seems like you can't read a periodical these days without seeing a reference to how unhealthy country is. Paul Krugman's editorial, titled "Girth of a Nation," calls the obesity epidemic a red/blue state issue, and CNN.com has an article today about how obesity is preventing many volunteers from entering the armed forces.
A fun fact that I found ironic was that the national school lunch program was developed during World War II to ensure proper nutrition and health for young people who may enter the service. But now these same school lunch programs have sold out to the food industry and shove junk food down the throats of our youth, which is one of the factors contributing to the obesity epidemic that is hurting conscription. Talk about a weird backfire...
It's easy not to care about the growing number of Americans who choose to drown their sorrows in deep fried Oreos and cruise around town in their Rascals, but you should. Obesity is inflating health care costs, and it is setting a poor example for our youth. While our country's obsession with body image is extremely wrong, we need to value proper nutrition and active lifestyles to ensure the health of our future generations. If this isn't enough to motivate you to care about our citizen's well-being, just think, people abroad are laughing at our fat asses.
(P.S. how horrible would it be if you recognized your torso from one of anonymous fat person film reels they show every time there is an obesity story?)
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