Shields Strikes Back

After falling victim to the cyclone of insanity that is Tom Cruise, Brooke Shields struck back today by penning a NY Times editorial. Agassi's former bedmate (I guess I keep making this reference because I'm jealous) takes some good jabs at Cruise, who has criticized Shield's for taking anti-depressants for postpartum depression and suggested that she should have instead taken a multi-vitamin. Shield's piece provides interesting and valuable information about postpartum depression, and makes a coherent case for the need to treat the condition beyond a trip to GNC. Additionally, she called Cruise's comments "a disservice to mothers everywhere" but that she hopes "that it gives much-needed attention to a serious disease."
Everything Tom Cruise has done in the last month has made my brain hurt. This guy is completely off his rocker and I'm glad that Shields called him on his BS. If you haven't gotten enough dirt on him lately, I recommend that you check out the superficial's June 28th hearsay about the origins and intentions of his relationship with Katie Holmes, and his alleged romantic involvement with the blowhard from Matchbox 20.
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