Baseball & Softball Dropped from 2012 Games

The International Olympic Committee chose to drop softball and baseball from the 2012 Olympic lineup. If this wasn't a big enough disappointment, they are debating replacing the two removed events with either golf, rugby, squash, karate, or roller sports.
I guess I couldn't have asked for better news to support my previous post, and solidify my opinion that the Olympics are overrated. Baseball and softball are the first sports eliminated from the Olympics since 1936 and they're discussing replacing them with whaaat? ROLLER SPORTS?!! What the hell is "roller sports"? Please tell me it at least involves rollerskates, and not rollerblades, because rollerblades are so 1989 (and we all know that 'skates are timeless pieces of recreational equipment). I'm thinking that "roller sports" is a game where Euros dress in neon spandex jumpsuits and chase each other through a slalom course of haystacks in an attempt to "pants" the skater in front of them.
A decent case can be made for the removal of softball from the Olympics since America has dominated the sport since it's addition in 1996. This is most likely a reflection of the genetic advantage our country has in its ability to produce women with monstrous thighs (thigh size is proportional to the skill of a softball player). But baseball is an international sport, played well by the United States, Latin America and many Asian Countries. On a brighter note, baseball will be played in Beijing in 2008, leaving us with one last opportunity to watch our country's best college players get trounced by commies.
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