Name the baby panda

Hua Sheng (hwah-SHUNG), means China Washington, magnificent
Sheng Hua (SHUNG-hwah), means Washington China, magnificent
Tai Shan (tie-SHON), means peaceful mountain
Long Shan (lohng-SHON), means dragon mountain
Qiang Qiang (chee-ONG chee-ONG), means strong, powerful
I was disappointed that pandaficianodas like myself are limited to choose from the five pre-determined selections, and not given the opportunity to come up with their own unique names. These are the names I would have recommended for the cub (I don't know Chinese, so I made up my own language):
Sans Libido, means pandas are lame prudes that don't procreate
Test Tube McGee, means panda is a product of artificial insemination and a genetic freak
Carl Hungus, means...well it doesn't mean anything, it's just a sweet name
Waste O' Mula, means that his parents were loaned from China for $10 million and the cub will be returned to China at the age of 2
Okay I lied, I'm not a pandaficianado. In fact, I hate the pandas because when I saw them at the zoo they had their backs turned to us. It was so rude. What's the point of spending millions on animals that don't even put on a show and then having to send them back to China? The primates in the ape house seem to have no problem entertaining, and I think they cost about three yuan. The day that pandas perform chimptastic feats like going between two buildings on an "o-line" like the orangutans, will be the day that pandas will get my endorsement. But until then, I think the prudes are over-priced and overrated.
I have uncovered some interesting dirt on the author of the "Name the baby panda" article: While he is not a pandaficianado he most certainly is a pandapornaficianado.
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