Public parks seem to be dangerous places this summer. If the alligator in LA's Machado Lake wasn't enough to scare you indoors, the
NY Times reported today that a public water playground at Seneca Lake State Park has made nearly a thousand New York residents sick. Oddly enough, the sickness was not a reaction to pre-teens in their ill-fitting bathing suits (such an awkward stage), but from a water supply tainted with a bacteria called cryptosporidiosis, or "crypto" for bacteria buffs. The 'Times said the bacteria is known to be one of the most frequent causes of traveler's diarrhea. So I guess the food at Tono Sushi, located in DC's Woodley Park neighborhood, isn't the only thing that will make your bum explode...water parks can do it too!
Frankly I am shocked that something of this nature has not already happened. I think that the words "public water playground" should be a hint as to just how fowl this facility probably is. Let's face facts: water parks are possibly the rankest of human amusements. I once got hepatitis from watching a Ranging Water commercial. Stay safe out there.
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