Wish List
Well it's that time of the year folks. The time when it's no longer fashionable to wear white, and the time when the monumental occasion of my birth is celebrated. So, in honor of no longer being allowed to wear that sweet white Miami Vice-Tommy Bahama linen suit you've been rocking all summer, I have created my ultimate birthday wish-list. These are things that I asked for every year as a child, but never seemed to receive.
1) Power Wheel

What I actually got: Self-propelled Big Wheel
2) Go-Kart/Dirt Bike

What I actually got: Huffy 5-Speed (assembled at home to avoid Toys R Us' extra $10 assembly fee)
3) Puppy

"But mom, I swear I'll walk it and clean up the poop every day!" These were lies. Let's admit it, puppies are cute for like three days and then they eat your valuables and you want to kick them.
What I actually got: Tamagochi (or if your parents were cheap, the generic Nanopet)
4) My Buddy

To this day I don’t know whether it was my lack of human friends or the catchy theme song, but I wanted one real bad. However, in retrospect the whole idea is a little creepy. “Wherever you go, he goes”? I had a hard enough time making friends as a child, the last thing I needed was a stuffed stalker following me everywhere.
What I actually got: Care Bear (lay off, they were unisex toys)
These were just a few of the gifts I never received as a child that continue to torment me at almost 22 years of age. Even though I never managed to get these sweet toys, I guess I turned out okay. I have a hit blog that even Dane Cook reads (I love you NRB) and I know some people who aren’t too ashamed to hang out with me on a regular basis.
In the spirit of my birthday, please list the toys you never got as a child in the comments section. I know I’m not the only one who wanted the Barbie dream house.
I forgot you didn't get Nintendo until you got your pubes. Nerf stuff was awesome...you always had a ton of nerf crap. I think I may have broke the Palmer's power wheel...I remember doing wheelies in it when I was 16.
Hey Pick, I guess not only will power wheels make you morbidy obese, but according to your picture on your post they will also give you down syndrome (click on it).
ahhhhhh this blog is incredible i was laughing and everyone in this lab was looking at me i told em to shove it and the staring continued akward eh
Well as I see some children never grow up and remain forever ungrateful to their hardworking parents...However if I would read the wish list prior to Sept. 4th there may have been some alternatives modes of transportation-a foot powered scooter-hey what happened to all of those pricey Rollerblades and skate boards that were taking up tons of $$ to maintain-i.e. extra pads,wheels,etc.and eventual space in the garage or middle of the family room...well I guess I have a few unfulfilled wishes myself...like for once grateful adult children who do not Salk ever time their b-day rolls around grieving over past deprivation. Well since you mentioned the topic-I always wanted a state of the art CHATTY CATHY DOLL-she really talked and I would have been able to have a decent conversation as my sibs were just not very bright. Happy Birthday Willie Joe and I do hope all of your wishes come true-Cheap Bastards-Yo Mama
Happy 18th Birthday Pick. Welcome to the world of legal adulthood!
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