Confirmation hearing photo journal
Okay, I admit it, I have gone a little picture crazy this afternoon. But since I sifted through a bunch of confirmation hearing photos this morning I figured I might as well share them. I can't imagine sitting in front of a group of crotchety Senators for a eleven hours and having to answer their questions. To John Robert's credit, I thought he handled the grilling quite eloquently. Pictured below are photos of the few times Roberts cracked.
Like when he threatened to eat Dianne Feinstein's children....
And when the Roberts couple displayed visible concern after Senator Leahy questioned the judge about his beanie baby fetish. 

Then, after a bean-laden lunch recess, Roberts lost all control and dignity when he let one loose during Ted Kennedy's questioning. I guess I should give him a break, stress can make you gassy.

Then John Roberts was challenged to an evil staring competition with Arlen Specter. Specter cracked Roberts by re-enacting the dance he performs on Six Flags commercials.

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