The new retro

While perusing a posh stationary store in Georgetown last weekend I came across something a bit odd. Next to their selection of novelty sushi erasers they were selling Stripes Fruit Striped gum...The one with that wacky mulit-colored zebra on the pack. Why was this up for sale at a trendy store? Because it's retro. Things that remind you of childhood are being sold at retailers like Urban Outfitters and chic boutiques across the country for a premium price. Smart businesspeople are cashing in on our nostalgia, even for crappy gum that loses its flavor almost instantaneously (this did not stop me from begging for it every time I was in the grocery store checkout aisle). So, in an effort to get a step ahead of the nostalgia peddlers I am going to predict the next items that will be "retro" and purchased by twenty somethings who wish to regain that little piece of childhood. I may even market some myself....

3) Squeeze its: They came in an oily plastic bottle, tasted like crap, but you loved them anyways. I am sure that these beverages, popular for organized sports snack time, will be on Urban Outfitter shelves in no time. Despite the bad taste, squeezing a bottle with cartoon faces on it was absolutely amazing. In fact, you can sign a petition to General Mills here requesting the return of the fun and fruity beverage. Capri Sun is not another retro beverage because they never went out of style, and I continue to pack them in my sack lunch. However, I may allow you to drink Capri Suns in the name of retro if you put the straw in the bottom, because that's just bad ass.

Mom: Why is your nose red?
Son: Because the red marker smells like strawberries dammit!
Do they still sell these? I wish I had some now. I hope a generation of youth is not growing up without these delicious coloring tools. Beware: the black pen smells like butt.

I know i've left out a lot, and feel free to suggest some other retro predicitions, just don't post about laser hair removal like the spammer in my last post, or ill track you down and cyberslap you.
FYI-Smelly markers have been replaced by-and I am not making this up-"smencils".
As you may have guessed the smencil is an aromatic #2 pencil that comes in several fruity flavors. No noses covered in ink with these, just noses full of lead poisoning. They claim they are biodegradable which may be why all the flavors smell like the bottom of my recycling container.
um ya i have velcro shoes on right now (seriously i do that aint a joke or a davin lie) im always ahead of the curve score one for the davin man woooooo
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