Miers: A non-issue

Several thoughts on this breaking news...
My bet is that the White House will use this news, and the ensuing new Supreme Court nominee to overshadow the impending indictments that will be announced later this week. Further, I am scared for our country. Miers was not defeated by Senate Democrats, but by conservative Republicans and his right-wing base who were worried that Miers did not possess a conservative judicial philosophy (remember, she loves gays). So, it seems obvious that the next nominee will be some sort of cross burning, coat hanger abortion-forcing, gay hater (albeit most likely more intelligent than Miers). It will be interesting to see if Bush can find another female nominee, or if he will abandon the gender issue completely. Bush may, in an effort to please females and conservatives, nominate an intelligent, conservative eunuch. I wonder if he has ever thought of nominating Sam Waterson, he's been a great NYC District Attorney for the past ten years or so...and I don't think he likes gays either.
(Waterson: the next nominee? Maybe, if he hates gays and tortures detainees)
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