Guess Who's Back?
No, unfortunately Jerry Orbach is still dead...but Pick is back.

(Pictured: Orbach in his younger, sexier years)
I admit it, I completely fell off the PicksPost bandwagon. But, I feel that I have a legitimate excuse and it rhymes with schmonerria. Don't fear loyal reader(s) the doctor says I'm in good enough health to return to my hobby of posting things on this website that nobody cares about and have little humor.
Many things have happened since Yanni was cleared of charges in a Florida courtroom and I will do my best to summarize them for you.
1) I started wearing a new deodorant- Degree's "Ionic Breeze" scent was becoming a bit played out. Plus, I am pretty sure Ionic Breezes give you cancer (seriously, doesn't it sound a bit Chernobyl-ish?)
2) Deal or no Deal has become NBC's number one rated show- This means that I can no longer post about it to be ironic.
3) I got a bad haircut at the Hair Cuttery- word to the wise, don't trust a business that displays bowl cuts in its windows to entice potential customers.
4) Finally, George Bush is the decider- I am way too late to jump in on this one, but I felt the need to make sure that my readership is aware that the most powerful man in the world is indeed "the decider."
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