and the state of the union is.....

SCOTUS nominee Samuel Alito was confirmed by the Senate today. I won't say I told you so. Lincoln Chafee was the only Republican Senator to vote against Alito. It only makes sense that the hottest Republican in Congress would also be the most reasonable. Really, I've seen him in person, his locks are quite golden.
Alito made his associate justice debut tonight at the State of the Union address, and the black robe is actually quite slimming. Speaking of the STOU address, it's going on as I type and I hate to admit that I am very tempted to watch Moesha re-runs on UPN instead of sitting through about an hour of hallow promises and grandstanding. But, I shall sit through it in the name of my four readers so that I can provide insightful commentary.
Oh, and by the way. I might have caught something in London.

And it only cost me one pound!
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