From London with Love
The ACLU is back at it again. The Washington Post reported today that they reached an agreement with a New Jersey high school for a male student to wear skirts. The male student took up skirt wearing in protest of the school's ban on shorts. Another resounding victory for human rights! Congrats ACLU...I'm sure the detainees at Camp X-Ray are celebrating in Cuba. Well, they would be celebrating if they could get those electrodes off their testicles.
Disney has reportedly bought Pixar. What does this mean to us? Absolutely nothing unless you're a big nerd, or one of the many lame adults who enjoy computer animated kiddie movies. By the looks of the picture below, Steve Jobs and the new Disney CEO look very excited about the merger. Come on guys, it looks like you're at a middle school about coming in for the real thing.

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales argued yesterday that the requirements of a secret intelligence court are too cumbersome for rapid pursuit of suspected terrorists. Gonzales then said that the Constitution is pretty cumbersome too, and that the Founding Fathers hated freedom and would have let Bin Laden kill your favorite pet. He followed up by demanding the White House Press Corp's internet histories because he thinks they're all panda-porn-aficianados. Really folks, believing the legal interpretations from the Administration is like believing that the normal retail price for that gold watch on QVC is really $190.00.
Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid apologized last week for a news release that he said went too far in lambasting Republicans for shoddy ethics. Republicans were upset when Reid called them dirty do badders who are worse than Tony Soprano, Leroy Brown and Stalin. I agree with the need for an apology...we all know that nobody is badder than Leroy Brown. Obama for minority leader!!
News from London!! Their version of the hit show Deal or no Deal is much worse than the American version (yes, I didn't think it was possible either). This dude makes Mandel look like Selek!
The kid who plays the score of Final Fantasy on his Casio keyboard is calling me a nerd?
Sorry if my host was sleeping and there happens to be internet access here across the pond. Sometimes I want to smack you across the face with a leather glove. Wouldn't that be sweet, and dramatic?
No deal! Are europeans as greedy as us?
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