Bin Laden or the Jerky Boys, you decide
A few hours ago the arab television station Al Jazeera aired an audio taped allegedly recorded by Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden, who we have not heard from in over a year, promised attacks on US soil soon but he also offered a conditional long term truce. Some are skeptical at the authenticity of the recording, and some have even blamed the tape on the notorious and hilarious prank callers, the Jerky Boys. Let me be the first to condemn them for their insensitive actions. The Arnold Schwarzenegger pizza parlor prank call was funny, but threatening the lives of US citizens definitely crosses the line.
The Bush administration has issued a subpoena to Google in an effort to receive information about pornography search queries. Google has refused to provide the information because they believe the request is overreaching, but the government claims that the information is needed to protect children from pornography. The case will be heard by a Federal court in Pennsylvania, but until then, I recommend that perverts use Yahoo! for all of their "girl+dog+wang" and "panda sex" queries.

Both sides of the aisle in Congress are in the process of proposing lobbying regulation legislation. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said that passing the Republican party's legislation would be as bad as "letting Brownie come back to FEMA." Am I the only one that thinks this analogy sucks? I mean first off, it's outdated. Second, once you use the word Brownie and people all of a sudden become distracted and hungry. And stop me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Harry Reid refused to give up his Abramoff contributions? Congress needs to clean's just unfortunate that Democratic leadership blows so hard that they can't even come up with a good message to capitalize on the Abramoff scandal. The solution? Pass the microphone to the man standing to your right Mr. Reid.

In other news, I'm not moving to California.
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