Ohhh Drahma
I guess there are some family disputes more exciting than requesting emancipation from your parents (Aaron Carter is still a badass). R. Kelly's brother, Carey Kelly, is claiming that R. Kelly tried to bribe him into taking the rap for the infamous sex tape. But Carey Kelly, like any good brother is speaking out...in digital clarity! Yes, the brother released a DVD with a variety of accusations against his brother including accusing him of being bisexual, a wife beater, a child molester, and a Kenny Loggins fan.

(Sweet belt buckle, perv)
Naturally, I have a couple comments on this story. 1) Is this DVD available on amazon.com? Because I really need it, and 2)Thank god I look nothing like my siblings (way more attractive) because Lord knows I wouldn't agree to taking the rap for my brother's infamous Star Wars tape.
My favorite quote from the story:
"I got a call about a year and a half ago," Carey claims on the DVD, produced by Drahma Magazine. "My brother wanted me to do some s--t pertaining to this case that would leave me behind bars with a record deal. It doesn't make sense, so I turned it down."
Drahma Magazine! How do I become a subscriber?! (warning: when you click on the link, the site blasts some phat rap tunes)