Rep. Peter King Doesn't Hold Back

Imagine writing your Congressman about your disapproval of the President only to get a reply calling you "morally, intellectually, and politically wrong." Well that's exactly what happened to New York resident Harry Halikias when he wrote to Congressman Peter King. It seems that King does not take lightly to criticisms of the Republican agenda and the Bush administration. King was also reported responding to an email from a constituent by saying "I am in receipt of your March 5th e-mail and regret that you don't know as much about social security as you pretend. Frankly it is truly unfortunate that you chose to resort to adolescent-like name-calling against the president rather than attempt to discuss the issue intelligently."
Anyone who has worked in politics is aware of the multitude of junk and stupid opinions that are dumped on the doorstep of Members of Congress. The politically savvy are also aware of the methods to politely blow off those who choose to send their input to their elected representatives. A simple "thanks for your opinions, I will take them into consideration" usually does the trick. So, King's habit of taking critical letters personally and directing insults back at the constituents is pretty shocking. His behavior and lack of etiquette is completely unacceptable, but it is also pretty damn awesome at the same time. How many times have you been forced to pretend to value the opinion of someone that you have felt is completely ignorant? Here is a Member of Congress telling people exactly how he feels, and making no excuses about it. Too bad for King the campaign strategists for his opponents in 2006 may not share my admiration for the straight shooter.